'‘I was really feeling stuck about where I should go with my career, should I stay or should I leave my current role and if I chose to leave what would I even do. I really love the job I have but worried about being stifled from getting to the next level and how much I had invested over the years that was maybe taking away from the life I had/could have had outside of work. A big question I had was what time, if any, would be the right time to make a leap and how would I know it's the right thing to do/I'd enjoy a new job as much as I love the one I am in.
The big a-ha moment for me was learning about some of the traits I had and how those traits not only impacted me professionally (what would be the jobs that made me tick if I chose to leave) but how they played a role in my life personally. I often think of those things now both at work but also at home and it's really helped me understand the things that are important to me and that make me feel good about things both at work and outside of work.”
- Jennifer B.